Finding Patience Historian
J. Dwayne Garnett is an Empowerment Speaker, Love Advocate, and self-proclaimed History Buff from Augusta, GA, now living in the Raleigh-Durham area. His passion for history was rekindled through the character development process of the original Finding Patience. Now, he has found a deeper meaning to his nearly 20 years of experience in Higher Education and over a decade of senior-level management. Learning history fortifies bridges from our past to our present while providing a gateway to our future. History has allowed him to see unkept communities and dilapidated properties differently. They are the symbolic and gentle reminders of the need to stay connected, carrying history with us and within us. History is foundational and influential to his commitment to motivating and mentoring corporate entities and individuals to incite cultures of togetherness.
This heartbeat is the pulse behind the creation of Altar and Dwelling Place Inc., a nonprofit that he and his lovely wife, Lalita founded to promote character, social, leadership development, and the home of "Love Is A Parable." Love Is A Parable is designed to provide love education, love advocacy, and love wellness, with an attempt to help individuals obtain personal fulfillment and establish meaningful relationships while encouraging others to perpetuate unity, love, and kindness.
Together, he and his wife are the proud parents of two beautiful girls, Lailani and Lanaila.